We’ve been lucky enough to have lots of wonderful moms share their thoughts, feelings and emotions with us over the past couple of years as part of our series Motherhood : Unedited.
We’ll share links to some of the blog posts in Stories, including incredible honesty and openness from …
Aoife @bewelldowellx who shared an amazing poem about mental health journey and her realisation that ‘thoughts are not facts’ and how empowering that was for her as a woman and a mom.
Aisling @soulfullyaisling is always a breath of fresh air and positivity. She is a wonderful advocate for moms being themselves and not comparing to others.
Grá @fredtedandcompany wrote a letter to her older self which is so good to help consider where you are right now, and to not pressure yourself over things you’re older self may not worry about.
Bróna @snaphappymammy who very bravely and openly shared her journey with Postnatal Depression, how she felt back then and the supports that helped her.
Maternal Mental Health is made up of so many components and so many stages and layers.
Having the conversations and making moms hear is absolutely vital .. for all our sakes.