We’ve been collecting these guys since our First Born could first hold them.
We’ve a mix of types but by far the most common one we have is the Schleich range @schleichofficial
While it might be a little pricier, the quality is fantastic, they are incredibly hard-wearing, the range of animals is huge and their detail is amazing.
We use ours for so many things ..
– Entertainment in the car and at restaurants.
– In the bath.
– Matching babies to their mom
– Great for paw /hoof printing in playdough.
– Matching to animals in books.
– Great for home and school for different habitats .. jungle, farm, African plains, etc.
– Small world imagination.
The list goes on!!!
We’ve stored them in little baskets since they’re young .. great for small hands to get to them and easy for them to move them around and create whatever fun they feel like!
They make a great gift too .. whether for your own gang or someone else. Even if someone has the exact one, it just adds to the collection!
Any other @schleichofficial fans out there? Any fun activities you do with them?
Oh and the other thing that came up with them when we shared this picture on Stories was where we get ours … @artnhobby and @smythstoys have them.
Would love to know if any other independent stores stock them?