
Easter, Recipes

Mini Egg Cornflake Bars

Easter is a wonderful time to get the kids involved in some

Easter is a wonderful time to get the kids involved in some family friendly baking. With chocolate and min eggs top of the pile, this recipe from Rachel Hornibrook is sure to delight family members of all ages.


These no-bake beauties taste so good, the perfect no bake Easter recipe. 🐣



100g butter

350g milk or dark chocolate

1 tbsp golden syrup

Pinch of salt

130g cornflakes

40g mini eggs

2 lb Loaf tin, greased & lined



Melt the butter, 250g chocolate & golden syrup together over a Bain Marie (or in 30 second bursts in the microwave).

Add in the cornflakes & pinch of salt.

Pack it well into the lined loaf tin.

Melt the remaining 100g chocolate and spread on top.

Slightly bash up the mini eggs and scatter over.

Set for at least 2 hours in the fridge.

Slice and enjoy.

This makes 8-10 large bars or you can cut up into smaller squares if you prefer. Store in the fridge.

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