
Suitable for Children aged from 5 years up.

Theatrics is not a stage-school, with us it’s all about the child. While the big performance is a highlight, we focus on developing children through drama by using a varied and fun combination of games, mime, voice work, dance, improvisation and process drama. We challenge each child to push through personal boundaries to reach his or her true potential.

Mary Power-Cooney is the Artistic Director of Theatrics. She is a dramaturg and an award-winning actor and choreographer.   Over the past 21 years she has worked through Youth Theatre and Primary Schools facilitating drama programs, developing drama policy and supporting teachers in their delivery of the NCCA Drama curriculum. Her work is fun-based and educationally focussed with the personal artistic experience of the student at its core.

The state of the art Moat Theatre in Naas has been our home for the past 20 years.  We meet every Tuesday afternoon after school and use drama, song and dance to develop our performance skills and build confidence and self-esteem.

We also meet during the Summer for a week's Summer camp which is a fabulous opportunity for new students to get to know Mary and experience how she works.


from parents: 

My three children have attended Theatrics and I cannot recommend it enough.  They are three very different personalities but they all loved going to their classes with Mary.  The classes are great fun, but there is a strong sense of discipline and a work ethic that is inspired by Mary’s dedication to her job.  Her end of year performances are an annual highlight in our house.  The atmosphere in the theatre is just magic, with parents and children (on and off the stage) getting an annual dose of razzamatazz.  I’m always amazed at how much Mary gets from the children.  My kids’ confidence definitely soared as a result of all their years working with her.

As a mom of 4 , 3 boys and 1 girl , Mary goes above and beyond to develop minds in self confidence , encouraging activity , team work and a result of a performance , ( goal ) Mary convinced one of my boys, whom was very shy , ( lacking self confidence , and not theatrically talented ) to come forward on stage , what a result, he has developed , and now matured , into a young teen ,and has the greatest of respect for Mary , for in his words “ making me do! it ..”  He may not be on stage anymore , but he has birthed a personal achievement in self confidence ... Mary Power Cooney ... I can not recommend enough, she goes above and beyond to develop young people .

From Students:

I have been going to Mary for 3 years, she is a great teacher and never fails to make her classes fun.

Mary has a unique way of making you feel welcome in her classes, whether it be online or in person.

I look forward to going to her classes every week as they brighten my day.

Thank you mary for being a kind, fair and inspiring drama teacher.

From Schools:

Mary Power Cooney worked as a drama teacher at Holy Child School for many years whole I was Principal there . Her work was exemplary . I often observed her teaching and she had super organisation. She was always kind and fair with the children and they enjoyed her classes very much . She taught process drama and I felt it was an excellent tool for the children to express their feelings and was wonderful for their general well being . Mary produced many shows which formed part of our Christmas concerts and these were greatly enjoyed and appreciated by the general school community . They were of a very high standard and the children greatly enjoyed practising for the shows and performing them .

Miriam Nolan, Naas, Co. Kildare


Mary brings drama to life for the children.  Like many amazing teachers she makes complex lessons appear effortless. The children rise to her expectations and create amazing drama pieces.  Her approach to process drama is fun dynamic and professional and she treats the children with such respect and kindness. She listens to them and communicates with all ages.  Mary helps them achieve more that they thought possible. The process drama reaches past the actual class and supports and scaffolds their emotional and social development.  They grow in confidence both in the class and outside in everyday settings.  They learn how  to interact with peers , work in groups and follow instructions. She develops a sense of respect for each other.

The drama productions are professional and superb across all ages. She is the best drama teacher I have ever had the pleasure of working with.


Bernadette Keogh


Co Wicklow.

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  • February 11, 2025 5:24 pm local time

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