X35 is the latest family friendly cafe and eatery in the heart of Dungarvan, Co.Waterford. With a range of offerings handmade and cooked fresh to every order, all you will find in the X35 kitchen is a pizza oven, thats right no friers or oil!
Our aim is to provide fast, healthy and delicious comfort foods with an Italian style street food menu. You will find pizzas, bruschetta and of course our famous boccas on offer from 7am every morning!
Our locally sourced coffee is of the highest grade and made by our professional baristas to ensure you get the perfect cup every time! Have a big booking or bringing children? No problem at all we love welcoming everyone through our door and our staff will be more than happy to help with every request.
Our city style cafe is modern and trendy and we hope you will pop in for a visit!
Dungarvan, County Waterford, Ireland
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