Location: Waterford Greenway, Durrow to Clonea
Path: Tarmac, accessible, linear
Parking: Refer to website link (above)
Facilities: Rent bikes in Durrow from The Greenway Man
Features: Read the rest of this fantastic post here on Theresa’s own blog
I am so excited to share this walk with you. Not only has it been road tested by the lovely Theresa of Eat.Play.Love but it’s definitely one of those places in Ireland we all should put on our to-explore-list. A huge thank you to Theresa for all the photos & details. There are more wonderful posts by Theresa to follow here but please check out her super work on any of the links on this post and follow her on FB @EatPlayLoveCork.
Míle buíochas Theresa
The Waterford Greenway
(all credit to Eat.Play.Love)
We did the Waterford Greenway a few weeks ago and it is a great day out. I am probably a bit bias as my lovely other half is from West Waterford so we have spent quite a bit of time down in this beautiful part of the country over the years.
Part of the Greenway has been opened for a year but the full 46km off-road cycling and walking trail along an old railway line between Waterford and Dungarvan officially opened in March. We did the section from Durrow to Clonea. I will focus on this section but I’ll give the links of the official website to find out more of the full stretch as other parts might be more convenient for you. I plan on doing it lots more times over the summer so if I find out more useful things I will add them on.
1) Rent bikes in Durrow from The Greenway Man. We rented little trailer for the girls which was great. It is worth giving a call ahead of arriving to check bike availability. The little trailers are cool for under 5’s. My 3 year was absolutely in her element. The one year old needed some bribes as she was wondering what the hell was going on. If you can bring your own bikes this obviously keeps down the expense, I was even half thinking of investing in a little trailer so we can bring our own next time!
Read the rest of this fantastic post here on Theresa’s own blog
Waterford Greenway – Durroe to Clonea
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