Family Friendly Ireland

Family Friendly Ireland

Places to Stay, Play, Shop, Eat and Discover.


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Family, Lifestyle, Valentines

Valentine’s Day Movies Kids Will Love!

Valentine’s Day is a special time to celebrate love, friendship, and all goto-post

Lifestyle, Recipes, Valentines

Sweet Celebrations: Making Valentine’s Day Cake with Family and Kids

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, and what better way to goto-post

Arts and Crafts, Valentines

Valentine’s Day Art Activities for Preschoolers: Fun and Creative Projects

Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity for preschoolers to explore their creativity. goto-post

About Us

Since our first baby girl arrived, Gemma found it so difficult to find out what classes were happening and where they were happening. The real ‘lightbulb’ moment came when she went back to work and was in conversation with some friends who were also first-time moms.

Family Friendly Ireland

We’re back home again after a wonderful week of adventure and exploring in Kenmare. And what a week we had!


Amazing weather … fabulous time with family … lots of discovery of new family friendly places … and memories to fill their journals!! We will definitely do up a blog post to share some of the places we visited, where we ate, etc.

During the week we found ourselves using the term ‘family friendly’ so often … wonder if this coffee shop is ‘family friendly’ … wow, these Gardens are so ‘family friendly’ … and it got us thinking…..That’s exactly what so many of us are looking for, whether it’s at home or when we go on holidays. We want family friendly… we want tried and tested places to visit / eat / shop that we know are suitable for families.


So … if it’s what we’re all looking for, then we figured .. why not create it?! #familyfriendlyireland .. a hashtag that you can use to search places to go … or a hashtag that you can add on to any of your posts showing a great playground, amazing cafe with room for buggies, fantastic hotel / holiday homes you stayed in, day trips to beaches and gardens .. anything… if it’s family friendly .. if you and your family love it … if you’ve been there or are there … use the hashtag #familyfriendlyireland and lets get exploring Family Friendly Ireland!!


*Image our own

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